Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day

Sienna Mae La Cognata

Our second daughter was born on 9/4/09 @ 12:37pm. She was 8lbs 3oz 21inches. To my delight she was born about a week early, just in time to spend the labor day weekend with us. She has tons of brown hair (which i was overjoyed to see), and a sweet little face, and a cute pair of lips that you just can't help but kiss. Here are some of her first moments with us.


  1. I am such a proud grandma. She is so beautiful and I am so happy that she has arrived and she is healthy and strong and perfect. Thank you Kim for all you did to get her here. I am so thankful for this little family. mommy, daddy, and two sisters. I am excited for the sister relationship to begin. It is oh so fun to have a sister! I love you all!

  2. I love her already. Those pictures are precious.

  3. Congrats! What a perfect Labor Day and perfect little baby! :)

  4. Hooray! I wanna hold her again! Cute little babe!

  5. yay! she's here! congrats! hope things are going well at home. the first little while is a big adjustment, but it will get better! count on some averi & naomi play-dates in the near future...
    and i need to see that new little girl soooooon.
