Thursday, May 27, 2010

When I grow an inch I will be older.

Averi is always trying to be older. I can only assume that this is common among children, but what do I know. She is always saying things like "When I wake up in the morning I will be older" and while standing on her tippy toes "When I am this tall I will be grown up". I don't know why we are in such a hurry to grow up and then spend the rest of our life trying to recapture our childhood.
In an effort to help Averi to feel more grown up and as a moving in present we got her a bike. Not just any bike mind you a "Hello Kitty big girl purple bike", that is it's official title. Averi was never really into her tricycle so we weren't sure how this was going to go over but the second we even started looking at bike at the store she had to ride them. And I must say she is pretty good. She keeps talking about going on a bike ride with her Uncle Brandon (because he loves bicycling). I just have to step back and realize that my girls will continue to grow up despite what I do so I better just enjoy it now while I can, and savor every moment.

1 comment:

  1. Savor it indeed! Before you know it they'll be all grown up and getting married!!
