Monday, December 6, 2010


Hi my name is Kimberly and I am a slacker. There admitting that I have a problem is the first step, the second step is doing something about it. So here is a mini post of something we have been up to (baby steps, I wouldn't want to overwhelm myself). I realize looking back at my last post that i have missed quite a bit. Sienna's birthday, Halloween and all the festivities that go along with that, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. Plus Sienna is walking and talking now so I guess I better get to it. Plus my camera broke which left me disoriented for a while but I have recovered, and found a way to forge ahead. Here are some pictures they tell the story better then I could.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ode to Sienna Mae

As every parent knows each child brings new and exciting differences to the family. They sleep, eat, play, sing, talk, cry, laugh in all different kinds of ways. I know all of this now but the day i had my second daughter was when my education begun. It was a cloudy afternoon when Sienna was born she was shy and quite from the very beginning which is a stark contrast from her very personable sister. She seemed content just to be snuggled up with anyone as long as they held tight and kept her warm. This past year she has grown in so many way. The obvious ones like getting taller and chunkier. Getting 6 teeth so far. Sitting up, then crawling, then standing and almost walking. But the growth I love to see most is in her personality.
Sienna is: quite, until you cross her
A content baby, loves to just sit and watch the world go by
Hungry, there really isn't a time when she won't take food. If you are chewing a piece of gum she wonders why you won't share.
A singing, dancing baby. She loves to shake her bum and sing along to any music playing.
Snuggly, she will lay on your shoulder for hours while she rubs your arm for comfort.
Loving, she does like to pick her favorite but when she picks you, you know how important you are with the hugs and giggles she gives you.
A sister and she knows it. She is fascinated with Averi. She watches her every move and I'm sure will try and be her shadow.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition when Sienna came to us. We love her so much. Happy Birthday my baby, you deserve it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Family Gathering

Among the elevntybillion things we have been doing this summer hanging out with family has been top on the list. Any reason to get together to eat and play is fine with us so when Johns birthday came around we jumped at the chance. Lachelle and the twins had come up to visit from Las Vegas and the Bennions and Hayley had come down from Logan, so basically it was party time. I volunteered our house and was excited to host because our house is not the regular gathering place. The not so funny joke about our house is that it takes FOREVER to get out here. So Averi and I decorated our house in Scooby Doo birthday decorations because what's a birthday with out Scooby really. Peggy made what our family likes to call H.I.T burritos and I made Black Forest Cupcakes with cherries and chocolate ganache for dessert. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore because, well, we ate everything in site. It was too yum-gro-nast to help our selves. Then after all of our bellies had settled and we waited the required hour we went to the pool and swam our hearts out. Okay the little kids swam their hearts out and the parents chilled but we all had a fab time. P.S. If any of you have any questions about the inside jokes of our family I can clue you in.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Clever Girl

For Averi's birthday she had asked to get her ears pierced so after some discussion michael and I decided that she could so the date was set for the end of September. Well as Averi often does she asked a bazillion questions about getting them pierced. "When exactly are we going?" "Will it hurt, if so how bad?", "I can't wait can we go now?". I carefully answered each question and told her about my piercing memories. After hearing that you have to wait 6 weeks before you can change your earrings the wheels in her head started turning and this is the conversation that followed:
"So Mom how many weeks do you have to wait until you can change your earrings?"
"About 6, Why?"
"Well how many weeks until my birthday?"
"About 6 or 7, WHY?"
"Well I think that if I got my ears pierced now then I could get new earrings for my birthday and change them. What do you think?"
"Well Averi I guess that is true we will have to discuss it with your father"
So after explaining her reasoning to her father we really had no choice but to let her do it earlier then planned. Really I'm still not sure how our 4 year old outsmarted us but it happened. So on Saturday we took a family trip down to the mall and here is the video to prove it .

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Averi's home!

Averi was gone all last week with her Grandparents in Durango, Colorado and she had a blast. She kept saying "see you at the end of the summer" but she ended up coming home after a week. The house was quiet and we got a lot done without her wreckage going on, but we sure missed her. Michael and Averi are bestos so they have been treasure hunting (getting dirty in the fields by our house) and riding bikes non stop since she got back. Tonight I had to work and they made a little movie while Sienna was napping (don't worry John and Pegster its not another April Fools video). It is called "Sleepwalker" and Averi had to have a ton of patience to make it. Its kinda short but it took like 140 photos to make this 25 second movie! Luckily for Averi there was a candybar in it for her.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

When I grow an inch I will be older.

Averi is always trying to be older. I can only assume that this is common among children, but what do I know. She is always saying things like "When I wake up in the morning I will be older" and while standing on her tippy toes "When I am this tall I will be grown up". I don't know why we are in such a hurry to grow up and then spend the rest of our life trying to recapture our childhood.
In an effort to help Averi to feel more grown up and as a moving in present we got her a bike. Not just any bike mind you a "Hello Kitty big girl purple bike", that is it's official title. Averi was never really into her tricycle so we weren't sure how this was going to go over but the second we even started looking at bike at the store she had to ride them. And I must say she is pretty good. She keeps talking about going on a bike ride with her Uncle Brandon (because he loves bicycling). I just have to step back and realize that my girls will continue to grow up despite what I do so I better just enjoy it now while I can, and savor every moment.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where do I begin?

So much has been happening in our lives for the last 2 months I really do not know what to post first. I would have been keeping up with all of the exciting events except my computer has been packed away in it's box in my in-laws garage. So to sum it up we have been in the process of buying a house. moving, Averi graduated from pre-school, my brother got married in Twin Falls and Sienna has been getting all sorts of big. I thought about all the things that I wanted to say about all of the different events and so I have come to the conclusion that each event deserves it's own post but it is going to take me a day or two to get to all of them so before people get too antsy I thought that I would get on and say hold your horses the posts are coming. Here are a few pictures to wet you whistle.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Egg-citing Adventures

Easter is pretty eventful. We colored eggs, ate candy, hunted for eggs, Averi told us the story of Jesus being resurrected, devoured yummy food(aka ham from heaven, scones, chocolate covered strawberries, smoothies, and potatoes.), had a visit from a bunny, received cute baskets, ate more candy,watched conference, wore matching outfits, played savages, ate some more candy, laughed a lot and then went to bed. When asked Averi told us that her favorite part of Easter was "That bunny that gave me stuff." Sienna's favorite was the colored grass on the bottom of the Easter basket. I loved spending time with family. My girls are both growing up so quickly and I try so hard to enjoy moments with them. Michael said that he loved seeing the girls enjoying all off the Easter fun, and his tape egg. It was a fun and memorable holiday.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Movers and Shakers

Well Just so everyone knows I haven't fell off the face of the earth. We are moving and it is consuming all of my time. So I will post some pics of the house when we move in and some of the empty apartment when we move out. It's been interesting moving with a 4 year old and a 6 month old. Averi thinks that every time i pack something of hers that it is never coming back. And then there is Sienna who's favorite game is "if you set me down I will cry". Ps I remember when i was pregers I would always wish for a cuddly baby because Averi was not. Well i got my wish and now I think, what was I thinking? I hope this updates everyone well enough for a while because who knows when the next time I will have a minute to blog.

So the end of the movie is cut off but what Averi says is that they have to come with us "because we are little girls!" By the way it's weird that my daughters look nothing alike, hehehe.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sista, Sista!

Ever since Sienna was born, Averi and her have had an unbreakable bond. I kept waiting for the jealousy to set in but it has never came. They just love each other so much and I am so thankful for that. Averi is so patient and kind to Sienna and wants to always help take care of her. Sienna lights up whenever Averi dances or sings or talks to her. Sienna doesn't laugh for just anyone and Averi can get her to giggle at the drop of a hat. They are just the cutest sisters. Some people think that since they are 4 years apart that they would want nothing to do with one another, but I have a feeling that they will be bestos for a long time. There is no better friend then a sister and I am so happy they have each other.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All Growed Up

A long time running joke in my family is that my brother has always been 7 years old. We would be recalling a time when we went on vacation or when we moved to a new house and we would wonder how old Jared was and we would just say "He was 7". With that being said it was hard to accept the fact that he was graduating high school or going on a mission. So when he got a serious girlfriend my mind went back to the default age of 7 and I thought that he was definitely not old enough for that. So when he called and told me that he was going to ask her to marry him it came as a shock. But it finally happened, my little brother got engaged to a lovely lady named Jenni Bingham. They met and fell in love at Utah State. The are planning on tying the knot on May 21, 2010. I am so excited to get a new family member of the adult kind. They are a super cute couple, and I'm sure that they will be so happy together. Here is a sneak peak of them, I will post their engagement pictures sometime next week.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

One of the 1st's

Sienna just turned 4 monthes old and so when we visited the doctor I asked if i could start her on cereal because if anyone knows this girl they know she is always hungry. So i was very excited to get to start her on food. I thought that she would just devour the food from the beginning but that wasn't the case. I would be surprised if any of the food actually made it to her tummy. She made the funniest faces that we all laughed at. We keep working on it every day and i'm sure she will start loving it in no time. Here for your viewing pleasure are just some of the priceless faces she pulled.

P. S. the laugh track was provided by Averi free of charge